The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that women should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week during the postpartum period. Preferably, aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week. Women who habitually engaged in vigorous-intensity aerobic activity or who were physically active before and during pregnancy can continue these activities during the postpartum period.
As you get back into exercise during postpartum:
- Take it slow and set realistic goals. Increase physical activity gradually over time to meet guidelines or health goals. “Start low and go slow" by starting with lower intensity activities and gradually increasing how often and how long activities are done.
- Try a brisk walk a few times a week. You can take your baby along in a carrier or stroller. Over time, you can increase how long or how often you walk.
- Breaking up the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity each week into smaller time periods can make it easier to fit exercise into your daily routine. Even 10 minutes here and there is a good start.
- Add appointments for exercise on your calendar, or use a cell phone alarm to remind you to be active.
- Having a “buddy" can make physical activity more fun and help keep you on track. Meet a friend for a walk around the neighborhood or the mall. Join an exercise class geared towards moms and babies. Take a walk with your partner and baby after a busy day.
Remember to stay safe when you exercise:
- Drink plenty of water.
- Warm up before physical activity and cool down afterwards.
- Increase your exercise gradually as your body gets stronger.
- Consult your health care provider about whether or how to adjust physical activity if you have chronic conditions or symptoms.